The Schism

Let us get provocative
Just for the sake of it
Reminiscence can write a good story
Moreover, it is cathartic
A little healthy skirmish, therefore
With a few questions
Maybe we have a winner
Maybe it is just about you and me together
And the habit we have become!
A little healthy skirmish, therefore
With a few questions –
You who lived those lonely nights?
Or me who walked the solitary days?
You who kindled my absence with your songs?
Or me who wrote your presence with my melodies?
You who believed destiny would bring us together?
Or me who convinced myself that we never were really apart?
You who cared so much that nothing else mattered?
Or me who consumed myself into the eco system so I could encapsulate what mattered the most?
You who nurtured my spirit and prevented exhaustion even from miles and mountains away?
Or me who pushed every limit – ensuring the physical fatigue always had an edge over the emotional languor?
You who sustained home, what we had created together, the precious status quo, while I explored, experimented, experienced?
Or me who combated everyday with the schism of whether I was deserting too much for too little?
You who never remembered to wish me good night?
Or me who always reminded you to call the kids, and your sister, and my parents?
You who held my heart in safe keeping as I ventured around?
Or me who bore the gaping hole in my heart where I felt your absence?
You who changed your course so you could be my navigator?
Or me who held the wheel, harnessing the years of companionship as fuel?
You who laughed, when I cried because I could not be angry with you?
Or me, who cried at your attempts to make me laugh?
You who made giving up significant aspects that made for your entire adult live so matter of fact, conclusive?
Or me who so dexterously took to the air every day because you were the wind beneath my wings?

Published by Kashiana

I am a management professional by job classification and a work practitioner by personal preference. One poetry collection - Shelling Peanuts and Stringing Words and a chapbook, Crushed Anthills. Always gathering poems, and letting them marinate and change shape and form.

2 thoughts on “The Schism

  1. Re-reading The Schism
    Really Cathartic and Elevating
    Though marriages are made in Heaven, both of you have made it Heavenly
    Prayers Blessings Hugs


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